PVF Missy
Name PVF Missy (click to view pedigree)
Owner Paradise Valley Farms
Breeder Suzette Stidom
Gender Female
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
OOP Date 01/05/2012
Color Leucistic
Genetics unknown
Inbred percentage At least both parents need to be known to do an inbreeding calculation.
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Fionn SGJ 03/21/2014 Leucistic
Paradise Valley Sushi 09/20/2013 Leucistic
PVF Mulder 11/14/2016 Mosaic
PVF Pickle 04/30/2013 Mosaic White mosaic with pi-bald markers.
PVF Yetti 07/11/2014 Mosaic Platinum Color
Brothers and sisters
Added by Paradise Valley
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree