Sydney Caldwell
Name Sydney Caldwell (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tressa Caldwell
Breeder Sherri Lamb
Gender Female
Father Jesus Lamb
Mother Heathen Lamb
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 07/04/2013
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 4.3853 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aubree Carte 04/28/2015 Ringtail 100% leu het
Lana KS 11/10/2017 Classic Grey
Logan Carte 04/28/2015 Mosaic 100% Leu het
North Caldwell Deel 07/10/2014 White Tip 100% Het Lue
Oreo Caldwell Deel 07/10/2014 Mosaic 100% Het Lue
Brothers and sisters
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Abel BT 08/03/2015 Leucistic
Adam Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
AO Whisper 06/22/2014 Leucistic
Armani RLO 08/03/2015 Mosaic 100% leu het
Eve 02/05/2014 Mosaic
Harpy Lamb 09/30/2017 Leucistic
Jesus Lamb & Heathen Lamb FOS MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Leilani Cruse 03/18/2016 Black Beauty 100% leu het
Summit Basting MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Added by sherri
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree