Dexter Crago
Name Dexter Crago (click to view pedigree)
Owner Paula Crago
Breeder Kris Nelson
Gender Male
Father Charmin
Mother Ainsleigh
OOP Date 2009/07/09
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 1.2817 %
17 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Zyana Mills 2013/02/17 Classic Grey 100% Leu Het
baby2 10/28/2013 Classic Grey 100% Leu Het
Dexter x fiona test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Donkey Lamb 09/10/2014 Mosaic ringtail 100% leu het
Ezzie (Bourbon) 12/16/2010 Leucistic
GiGi Crago Garret 02/02/2014 Mosaic Ringtail 100% Leu Het
Holley Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Lady Harlem 03/02/2015 Mosaic 100% Lue Het (proven)
Lexus Crago Price 10/28/2013 Mosaic 100% leu het
Marilyn Lamb 07/02/2013 Leucistic
Naya KC 03/08/2017 Mosaic 100% leu het
Pippa Crago Griffey 10/28/2013 Classic Grey 100% Leu Het
Prissy (Wanda) 2011/09/22 Leucistic
Shrek BT 09/10/2014 Leucistic
Sweetheart Crago Wooldridge 02/02/2014 Leucistic
test dexter YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
TJ Crago 03/02/2015 Mosaic 100%% leu het
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Test joey YYYY/MM/DD Leucistic
Added by BabyLoveGliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree