MSG Kenzie
Name MSG Kenzie (click to view pedigree)
Owner Anita Totty
Breeder Anita Totty
Gender Male
Father MSG Vintage
Mother MSG Duchess
OOP Date 2013/02/28
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 100% Platinum Het, 50% Leu Het
Remarks (Sold)
Inbred percentage 2.0996 %
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Legend 2012/08/21 Mosaic Minimum Marked Mosaic has a small white tip on end of tail & front leg & foot is a white glove & the other 3 are white feet + 100% Platinum Het
Nymh 2012/02/28 Classic Grey 100% plat het
Added by Anita
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree