Name Jax SSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Samantha Albright
Breeder Suz Enyedy
Gender Male
Father Picasso(jen102375)
Mother Trinity Joy Enyedy
OOP Date 2012/11/05
Color Mosaic
Inbred percentage 1.2039 %
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Adina SSG 08/11/2014 White Faced Blonde 66% Leu Het
Aurora SSG 11/11/2014 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Kiah SSG 08/12/2014 Mosaic with reverse white stripe Ringtail, 66% Leu Het
Lola SSG 09/06/2013 Leucistic
Miki SSG 12/08/2013 Leucistic
Opie SSG 2012/11/05 Leucistic
Phillip SSG 11/11/2014 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
SAS Polar 03/15/2014 Mosaic White Mosaic; 66% Leu Het
Thor SSG 09/06/2013 Mosaic 66% Leu Het
Winston SSG (Cody Kulas) 12/08/2013 Platinum True Platinum Mosaic
Added by Suz Enyedy
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree