Breck TL
Name Breck TL (click to view pedigree)
Owner Natalie Wilson
Breeder Tracy Longanecker
Gender Female
Father Reventon
Mother Nebula
OOP Date 2012/05/25
Color Platinum
Genetics True platinum mosaic 50% leu het
Inbred percentage 3.0204 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Dillon-FBT 10-23-2014 Leucistic
Fortitude x Temperance YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Redcliff-FBT 03-06-2015 Leucistic
Silverthorne FBT 08-20-2015 Platinum 100% Leucistic het
Tiny Dancer-My Little Sugar Glider 4-16-2014 Leucistic
Vail-FBT 12-24-2013 Mosaic Piebald True Plantinum Mosaic 100% Lue Het
Brothers and sisters
13 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Castiel TL 2012/12/23 Platinum True Platinum Mosaic (white tip, white hands and spotted ears) 50% leu het.
Castor TL 2012/08/27 Mosaic 50% leu het, 50% Haley plat het
Duke TL 2011/06/19 Black Beauty 50% Leu het, 50% Haley Plat het
Eclipse TL 2011/10/17 Classic Grey
GBG Rev Jr MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
Lil Rev TL MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 50% leu 50% haley plat het
Moira TL MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Moon TL 10/14/2013 Mosaic Ringtail 50% leu 50% haley plat het
Orion TL 2011/06/19 Platinum Haley Platinum 50% Leu het
Pollux TL 2012/08/27 Mosaic True platinum mosaic, 50% leu het
Saturn TL 07/09/2013 Mosaic Ringtail 50% het for leu/possibly a tpm
SiriusTL 2011/10/17 Platinum
Spot TL 2012/05/25 Mosaic 50% leu het, 50% Haley plat het
Added by Tracy Longanecker
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree