GBG Anaria
Name GBG Anaria (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father GBG Angelo
Mother GBG Zaria
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic
Genetics Pied Markings,100% Leu
Inbred percentage 2.5634 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Anya* 7/2014 Mosaic 50% leu het - 33% cremeino het
Astor* 7/2014 Mosaic Piebald Piebald - 50% Leu het - 33% creme het
Eva Dyson 10-01-2015 Mosaic 50% Leu het, Low Cream het, W.F.B het, Mosaic, Pied Lines.
GBG Argyle YYYY/MM/DD Mosaic
GBG Gaze x Anaria YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
GBG Graze 06/30/2014 Ringtail 50% leu ance cremeino
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bless MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
CamoSGG 3/18/2010 Mosaic 100% Leu Het
GBG Angelika MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
GBG Angle YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% Leu
GBG Anglo MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
GBG Carson YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% Leu
GBG Zaria x Angelo YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
GliderCraze Iris MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
HSG Bless 01/13/2011 Leucistic
HSG Liddy YYYY/MM/DD White Face 100% Leu Het
Reginasgg MM/DD/2013 Leucistic Possible Mosaic has speckled ears
Zabrina and Zola YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% het for leu
Added by GliderBoy Gliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree