Tsuki (AzeLee --> Dany)
Name Tsuki (AzeLee --> Dany) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Dany Walker
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
OOP Date
Color Mosaic
Genetics Platinum-coloured Mosaic, 100% het for Leucistic
Inbred percentage At least both parents need to be known to do an inbreeding calculation.
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AzeL: Aril (Fazlee) 2012/11/11 Classic Grey 50% het for Leucistic
AzeL: Arthit (Hafiz Sky) 2012/01/15 Classic Grey 50% het for Leucistic
AzeL: Dali (Shazwan) 2012/08/13 Classic Grey 50% het for Leucistic
AzeL: Z-garde (Dany) 2013/10/21 Classic Grey 100% Het for Leucistic
Kumo 雲 (dany/kuroshiroglider) 04/29/2014 Classic Grey 66% het for leucistic
Brothers and sisters
Added by AzeLee
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree