Appa - White Mosaic - TPG
Name Appa - White Mosaic - TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Priscilla Price
Breeder Jay Garrett Jr.
Gender Male
Father Tiger - WFB - TPG
Mother Mozey - Ringtail Mosaic - TPG
OOP Date 2012/05/15
Color White
Genetics 12.5% het for leucistic.
Remarks White Mosaic/ Platinum Mosaic
Inbred percentage 0.2929 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Appa & Mickanna FOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Appa & Mickanna MOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Appa & Piper Offspring - TPG YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Appa Jr. - Black Beauty - TPG 4/4/2016 Black Beauty 50% Cremeino, 50% Leucistic
Appalachia - Black Beauty Mosaic Ringtail - TPG 7/24/2016 Mosaic Ringtail 50% cr/50% leu
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cougar - Piebald Mosaic - TPG 7/26/2013 Mosaic Piebald
Mazzy - Classic/Piebald Markers - TPG 2012/02/15 Classic Grey possible het for leucistic and piebald markers
Nausicaa -GliderHouse- 02/05/2014 Mosaic White Mosaic, Pied markings low het Leucistic
Olly 2012/02/15 Classic Grey 12.5% het for leucistic
Pickles 2012/05/15 White Faced Blonde 12.5% het for leucistic
Rafiki FGB 11/05/2014 Mosaic ring tail, ring neck, Pied producer
Spec-Tacular - Piebald Mosaic - TPG 2012/08/13 Mosaic Piebald
Tiger & Mozey FOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Tiger & Mozey MOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Tiger Boy - Mosaic - TPG 05/03/2013 Mosaic
Tigress - Mosaic - TPG 2012/10/31 Mosaic
Added by J. Garrett Jr.
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree