Name Tundra (click to view pedigree)
Owner Connie Kelly
Breeder Cindy Shingleton
Gender Female
Father Burberry
Mother Gizelle
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic
Genetics PROVEN 100% leu het
Inbred percentage 0.9155 %
18 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bacardi BB 04/23/2013 White Face
BailyBoo 2011/09/30 Leucistic
Blizzy LFG YYYY/MM/DD Leucistic
Brandi BB MM/DD/YYYY Ringtail
Cleopatra LFG Mosaic 100% Leu het
CS Marlee MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 100% Leucistic het
Diamond (DMS) 12/18/2014 Mosaic Ringtail 100% Leu Het
Fez (DDG) Lil Angels 06/05/2014 Mosaic 100% leu het, White Face
Lil Angels madison MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 100% leu het, pied and two faced and marbled lines
Lil angels Magic Maker MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic from Taz pie bald lines
Little Angel Eve 04/18/2016 Leucistic Pied Lines
Maizy the mosaic 2011/11/14 Mosaic Platinum white faced mosaic 100% leu het
Prince Ursulus MSSG 05/13/2016 Leucistic Pied lines
Rembrandt Le Krumpet MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 100% leu het
Ringo boom boom 03/15/2020 Ringtail
Saint Nicholas 12/18/2014 Leucistic pied lines
Shays Harley 2012/07/23 Mosaic
test joey tundra baby YYYY/MM/DD Mosaic
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Frosty (Retired) 2012/01/15 White Leucistic Mosaic.....has produced several TPM joeys......TAZ PIED LINES
Powder 2010/12/10 Leucistic
Reggie 2010/12/10 Mosaic 66% Leu Het
Skittles YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 66% Leu het RT Mo
Zoey 2011/12/05 Mosaic
Added by Melonie
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree