Pearl - May Gliders
Pearl - May Gliders

OOP Date : 08/20/2024
Color : Classic Grey
Genetics : 66% Leu, 6.25% Creme, 6.25% Albino
Remarks : Producing Sterile Line 8x Gr Grand (Scarmouch)
Fuego SC

OOP Date : 03/13/2022
Color : Ringtail
Genetics : 66% leu/plat 12.5% albino 12.5% creme
Remarks :
Khal Drogo-CMcC

OOP Date : 01/31/2019
Color : Ringtail
Genetics : 100% Leu Het
Remarks : From Strong Pied Lines

OOP Date : 2014/09/03
Color : Mosaic Ringtail
Genetics : 100% Leu Het *PROVEN*
Remarks :

OOP Date : 10/06/2014
Color : Leucistic
Genetics : Mother: Leucistic Father: Platinum
Remarks : Proven White Face
Khaleesi Daenerys-CMcC

OOP Date : 01/24/2018
Color : Mosaic
Genetics : Hets: 25% Crème-ino, 25% Albino & 100% Leu/Plat
Remarks :

OOP Date : 03/16/2016
Color : Red
Genetics : 50%-66% Crème-ino het, 25% Albino het, 12.5% Leu or Plat het ~ Both parents are Strawberry with garnet eyes. (Re: Nobilita: "Garnet eyes and red color indicate 100% cremino het.")***Browning also has garnet eyes***
Remarks :

OOP Date : 10/29/2015
Color : TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Genetics : TPM ~ Triple Het for: 100% Leucistic, 50% Albino & 25% Crème-ino ☆☆Confirmed Garnet Eyes☆☆
Remarks :
Taki - May Gliders

OOP Date : 06/04/2022
Color : Classic Grey
Genetics : 100% leu, 2.0625% creme
Remarks :
Frost SLS

OOP Date : 10/23/2017
Color : Mosaic Ringtail
Genetics : 25% leu, 4.125% creme
Remarks : Son to wow pied Caliber, very sweet temperament Penis Amputation & Neutered: July 20, 2022
Caliber SLS

OOP Date : 04/11/2015
Color : Mosaic Piebald
Genetics : 0 Het 0 coi. From strong BB lines and Pied lines.Every joey in this family very calm and sweet tempered . mom total white reverse stripe. Dad black beauty,brother 2 faced mo,sister ringtailed mo,brother partial reverse stripe with marbling and pied marker
Remarks : Wow Pied ,very sweet ,even temperament.
Katana(Sunshine) SLS

OOP Date : 06/12/2015
Color : Mosaic
Genetics : 25% Leu Het, BFBB Lines, Pied Lines
Remarks :
Luna LSS

OOP Date : 12/05/2020
Color : Leucistic
Genetics :
Remarks : WAS "GIA BHG"
Aspen (formerly Jack of scsg)

OOP Date : 10/18/2015
Color : Leucistic
Genetics : 100% leu
Remarks : father is a leu mother is a plat

OOP Date : 09/01/2015
Color : Platinum
Genetics : 100% Leu Het
Remarks :