R and w test f
R and w test f Glidercraze Wolven Sky- 100% albino het Alfred - albino Moe - albino het
Disco - albino het
Mac and Cheese Female Mac - platinum colored mosaic
Cheese - leucistic
rochelle Pepsi Artic
Fanta Windsor - Leucistic - TPG
Glidercraze Zaynah Almond - White Face Blonde - TPG cupid willy
jynxie popeye
Cowtown Cowgirl - Leucistic - TPG Tex - White Face Blonde - TPG Whisper - Classic - TPG
Basil Girls - TPG
Kappi - Leucistic - TPG Viceroy - Classic - TPG
Sapphire - Classic - TPG

Female sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree