joeys from Kung and Marie
joeys from Kung and Marie Kung Rudd Fuqua Smokey - Mosaic/wfb - TPG Josh - 3rd G. WFB - TPG
Smoke - TPG
Destiny Rudd Scooter- 100% het leu Makoura
Streak-100% het leu Tai Pan
GBG Marie GBG Mesquite - Leucistic Pai - 100% het leucistic Titan
Angel - 100% het leucistic (Gabriel)
Schezwan - leucistic/wfb Sunny
GBG Checkers Jasper - wfb/FFR Sampson - wfb/FFR
Penny/Terry - wfb
Black Eye Pea - FFR, platinum Dandy - FF
Hazel - FF

Female sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree