Houdini2 Price
Name Houdini2 Price (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tony Price
Breeder Sherri Lamb
Gender Male
Father Rico2
Mother Rakastaa Lamb
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2011/04/04
Color White Faced Blonde
Inbred percentage 0.7812 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
abbi 2013/02/01 Mosaic
gabbi 2013/02/01 Mosaic
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Mouseratti (Bourbon) 2010/12/23 Ringtail 6th generation out of sterile lines- (Sterile)
Racer Lamb 2012/06/06 White Face
Ramona Lamb 2011/12/04 White Faced Blonde 6th gen sterile producing (non breeding)
Rina Lamb 2012/10/07 Mosaic Ringtail mosaic 6 gen sterile producing lines
Ringo Lamb 2010/06/06 Ringtail (deceased)
Rodriguez2 Lamb 2011/12/04 Black Beauty
Rolo (JSurratt) 2010/09/23 White Face
RuRu Lamb 2011/04/04 White Faced Blonde 6th gen sterile producing (non breeding)
Russell Lamb 2011/08/22 Mosaic
Stuart Lamb 2010/01/17 Mosaic
Trinity Lamb 2010/06/06 Mosaic 6th gen sterile (non breeding)
Trinity Royce 10/07/2013 Mosaic Ringtail possible sterile lines 6th gen
Added by sherri
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree