Pink Kush (SGS)
Name Pink Kush (SGS) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Sugar Glider Stitchery
Breeder Christie Swartz
Gender Female
Father Zombie (SGS)
Mother Coffee (SGS)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 06/22/2024
Color TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Genetics 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
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Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Indica (SGS) 11/04/2023 Ringtail 100% Plat/Leu het, 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
Purple Kush (SGS) 06/22/2024 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
Sativa (SGS) 11/04/2023 Leucistic 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
White Gold (SGS) 03/09/2024 Leucistic 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
White Widow (SGS) 03/09/2024 Leucistic 50% S&S Carmino het, 12% Creamino Het, 12% Albino Het
ZombiexCoffee MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Christie Swartz
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree