Name Pippin PET ONLY(B&BSG/QBHH) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Brittany Ashworth
Breeder Boots & Buckles Sugar Gliders
Gender Female
Father Brahman(Boots and Buckles)
Mother QBHH Scarlet Witch
OOP Date 04/21/2024
Color White Faced Blonde
Genetics 50% leu/plat , 50% Cream, low low MR
Remarks Parents paired 12/23. She’s their first Joey & is a singleton.Possible MM Mo would need to be proven unique neck markings. Sold Pet ONLY on Contract to Brittany Ashworth 05/24 FROR requested
Inbred percentage 0.4837 %
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
BS male B&BSG/QBHH MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 50% leu/plat, 50% cream, low low MR
Added by Tawnie Marie Davis
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree