QnD Whiteface boy
Name QnD Whiteface boy (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Queenie Yang
Gender Male
Father Queenies Jujube
Mother Cherry Pie (SGS)
OOP Date 05/11/2023
Color White Face
Genetics JujubexCherryPie’s 3rd borns, sold as pet only
Remarks JujubexCherryPie’s 3rd borns, sold as pet only
Inbred percentage 0.0667 %
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Oji (QnD) 08/03/2022 Mosaic (unusual) JujubexCherryPie’s 1st born, Black Beauty, Sold with breeding rights Also a White Face, 50% het for black/brown-eyed carmino (S&S line), 50% het for red-eyed carmino (S&S line), 25% plat/leu het Could be pied, could be black beauty borken back strip
QnD Cloudy 11/26/2022 Classic Grey JujubexCherryPie’s 2nd borns, Grey, sold as pet only
QnD Racoon 05/06/2023 Black Beauty JujubexCherryPie’s 3rd borns, sold as pet only
QnD Sunny 11/28/2022 Black Beauty JujubexCherryPie’s 2nd borns, Black Beauty, sold as pet only
Added by Queenie
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree