Hamlet & Dubella MOS - TPG
Name Hamlet & Dubella MOS - TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Unknown
Gender Male
Father Hamlet - White Face Blonde - TPG
Mother Dubella - WFB 100% albino het, 100% cremeino het TPG
Picture Unknown
Color Classic Grey
Inbred percentage 4.0039 %
Brothers and sisters
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
aulani-cmr 3-14-15 Albino 50%het for Cremino
Della - White Face Blonde - TPG 2011/06/08 White Faced Blonde 66% het for albino, 50% het for cremeino
Dorothy (Abel Brualla) 03/03/2013 Albino Parents are a producing albino breeding pair at The Pet Glider.
Dubella Dames (2) - Albinos - TPG 2011/06/08 Albino Sisters, 50% het for cremeino
Dubella Girls - WFB - TPG 12-16-15 White Faced Blonde 75% al/50% cr
Dublet - Albino - TPG 09-01-15 Albino 50% cr
Hamlet & Dubella FOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Lexi MM/DD/YYYY Albino
Petunia (Munir) 03/08/2013 Albino 100% platinum proven
Added by Deborah Mountjoy
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree