Atticus JD
Name Atticus JD (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jessie Dawson
Breeder Blue Moon Babies LLC
Gender Male
Father Adonis BMB
Mother atlantis & avalon bmb
OOP Date 08/20/2022
Color Mosaic
Genetics 66% carmino, 66% Plat Het (parents proven with sibling)or 50% Leu Het, 12.5% Caramel Albino Het
Inbred percentage 3.1925 %
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Carmino girl BMB 02/04/2022 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Carmino Mosaic 66% Plat Het (parents proven with sibling) or 50% Leu Het
Ghost GP BMB MM/DD/YYYY Carmino (red eyed Caramel) 100% Plat Het
Gypsy BMB 05/28/2022 White Face 66% carmino, 66% plat
Jaskier QBHH BMB 05/28/2022 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) 66% Platinum Het (parents proven with sibling)or 50% Leu Het
Odyssey JD 09/06/2022 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) BFWF. 66% Plat Het (parents proven with sibling)or 50% Leu Het, 12.5% Caramel Albino Het
Sephora BMB MM/DD/YYYY Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Carmino Mosaic 66% Plat Het - parents proven
Added by Jessie Dawson
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree