Ember (SGS)
Name Ember (SGS) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Sugar Glider Stitchery
Breeder Christie Swartz
Gender Male
Father Maple Bacon (SGS)
Mother Ayla (SGS)
OOP Date 10/18/2022
Color Mosaic
Genetics 100% S&S Carmino Het, 100% Plat/Leu Het, 12.5 Creamino Het
Inbred percentage 0 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cinder (SGS) 11/13/2023 Classic Grey 50% Carmino Het, 50% Plat/Leu Het, 20% Creamino Het
Flare (SGS) 06/13/2024 Classic Grey 50% Carmino Het, 50% Plat/Leu Het, 20% Creamino Het
Inferno (SGS) 02/23/2024 Ringtail 50% Carmino Het, 50% Plat/Leu Het, 20% Creamino Het
Smokey (SGS) 07/24/2023 Classic Grey 50% Carmino Het, 50% Plat/Leu Het, 20% Creamino Het
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bangers (SGS) 11/11/2023 Classic Grey Neutered
Bread (SGS) 07/24/2024 Mosaic
Butter (SGS) 07/24/2024 Mosaic
Crepe (SGS) 10/18/2022 Classic Grey PET ONLY
Diana 07/03/2023 Classic Grey 100% S&S Carmino Het, 100% Plat/Leu Het, 12.5 Creamino Het
Eggs (SGS) 06/06/2022 Ringtail 100% S&S Carmino het, 100% Plat/Leu het, 12.5% Creamino Het
Hashbrown (SGS) 01/17/2022 Mosaic Neutered
Mash (SGS) 11/11/2023 Mosaic Neutered
Muffin (SGS) 03/28/2024 Classic Grey 100% Plat/Leu Het, 100% S&S Carmino Het, 16.5% Creamino
Oatmeal (SGS) 02/27/2023 Mosaic 100% Plat/Leu Het, 100% S&S Carmino Het, 16.5% Creamino
Pancake (SGS) 01/17/2022 Mosaic 100% S&S Carmino, 100% Plat/Leu, 12.5 % Creamino
Toast (SGS) 06/06/2022 Classic Grey 100% S&S Carmino het, 100% Plat/Leu het, 12.5% Creamino Het
Added by Christie Swartz
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree