AS Spike
Name AS Spike (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jason
Breeder Agnes Sagrati
Gender Male
Father Asher MK
Mother Laurel MK
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/05 /2022
Color Mosaic
Inbred percentage 0.4525 %
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AS Wallace 12/12/2021 White Face
AS Wish 02/02/2022 Leucistic
Jacob MK 09/09/2019 Leucistic
Julie MK 09/09/2019 White Face
Julie Sugarkisses 09/09/2019 White Face 100 Leu
Sammy MK 03/22/20 Mosaic
Added by A. Sagrati
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree