Dacca BMB (KW)
Name Dacca BMB (KW) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Blue Moon Babies LLC
Breeder Kaley White
Gender Female
Father Rumpelstiltskin KW (glidergals)
Mother Belle/C
OOP Date 12/24/2021
Color Mosaic Ringtail
Genetics 100% leuplat het
Inbred percentage 1.9451 %
Brothers and sisters
13 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aesop (KW) MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Binx JD (KW) MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Ringtail 100% plat proven(Haley)
Emma (KW) 06/08/2017 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu/plat (Haley) proven
Flower (KW) 04/08/2017 Mosaic Cow ears 100% leu/plat het (Haley)
Geraldine Boots and Buckles (KW) 08/12/2022 Mosaic Piebald 100% plat/leu
Giggles Castaneda 09/22/2021 Black Beauty
Giggles Castaneda (KW) 09/22/2021 Classic Grey 100% leu or plat het
Jellybean (KW) 06/11/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu/plat het (Haley)
Milo (KW) 09/22/2021 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leuplat (Haley)
Nook BMB (KW) 10/27/2020 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu/plat het (Haley)
Reign JD (KW) 03/13/2020 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu proven
Thorne BMB (KW) 10/13/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 100% Leu/plat het (Haley)
Widow JD (KW) 04/29/2023 Mosaic Piebald 100% Leu/Plat
Added by Kaley White
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree