QnD MilkPaste
Name QnD MilkPaste (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Queenie Yang
Gender Female
Father Queenies Berry
Mother Queenies Pepper
OOP Date 05/11/2022
Color Mosaic (unusual)
Genetics TrufflexHam’s 1st born; sold as pet
Remarks TrufflexHam’s 1st born; sold as pet
Inbred percentage 0.756 %
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
QnD Melon 09/02/2022 Creme-ino Cremino;PepperxBerry’s 2nd borns; sold as pet
QnD MilkBubble 05/11/2022 Cremeino Mosaic TrufflexHam’s 1st born; sold as pet
QnD SugarCake 09/06/2022 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic TPM with Cremino het eyes - black eyes with red pupils;PepperxBerry’s 2nd borns; sold as pet
RLS Nala (QnD) 12/08/2022 Red Red with no cremino het eyes but she has obvious brown tone to her fur, not as brown as a visual carmino or a visual myster red, based on numberal calculation she is 66% het for cremino but due to the brown tone she should be 100% het for cremino, 100% fo
Added by Queenie
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree