TM Clover
Name TM Clover (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tifinie Mullins
Breeder Tifinie Mullins
Gender Female
Father Birk (Resa)
Mother TM Primrose
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 03/17/2022
Color Mosaic Ringtail
Genetics 66% mystery red het 100% plat/leu het 12.5% cremino het
Remarks Clover is a possible split face. Her tail is predominantly white with grey rings/markings. Father is a pied reverse stripe 100% mystery red. Mother is a TPM.
Inbred percentage 0.6505 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
MR test C/A MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 50% MR, 50% plat or 33% leu, 6.25% creme
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
TM Ash 10/30/2021 Classic Grey 66% mystery red het 100% plat/leu het 12.5% cremino het
Added by Tifinie Mullins
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree