Queenies Oolong
Name Queenies Oolong (click to view pedigree)
Owner Queenie Yang
Breeder Queenie Yang
Gender Male
Mother Queenies Grapefruit
OOP Date 03/30/2022
Color Mosaic (unusual)
Genetics 66% black/brown-eyed Camino het, 50% plat/leu het GrapefruitxBourbon’s 1st Born
Remarks 66% black/brown-eyed Camino het, 33% plat/leu het GrapefruitxBourbon’s 1st Born
Inbred percentage 0.5393 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
QnD Zuho 01/01/2023 Mosaic PeachxOolong’s 1st borns, Cow-eared Ringtail possible black beauty Mosaic
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
QnD Chestnut 07/26/2022 Mosaic (unusual) White Face Mosaic;GrapefruitxBourbon’s 2nd born; sold as pet
QnD Eclipse 03/30/2022 Mosaic Marble Sold as pet only, GrapefruitxBourbon’s 1st Born
QnD Noir 10/21/2022 White Face White Face; GrapefruitxBourbon’s 3rd borns; sold as pet
QnD Silly 02/24/2023 Mosaic Ringtail Ringtail Mosaic(slightly Split-faced); GrapefruitxBourbon’s 4th borns; sold as pet
RLS Panda (QnD) 10/24/2022 Mosaic (unusual) WhiteFace Mosaic, 66% brown/black-eyed carmino (S&S line carmino) het, 50% plat/leu het, no(very low) other red hets, GrapefruitxBourbon’s 3rd borns; sold for breeding
Added by Queenie
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree