Nova (Samantha Rose) RDG
Name Nova (Samantha Rose) RDG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Rainah Whisenhunt
Gender Male
Father Clyde RDG
Mother Bonnie RDG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 12/29/2021
Color Leucistic
Genetics Twin brother
Inbred percentage 7.9359 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Belle (Tammy Sims) RDG 01/08/2023 White Face
Knight (Crystal Burtram) RDG 12/29/2021 Leucistic Twin brother
Lue girl (B&C) RDG 08/15/2022 Leucistic
Mrs Potts (Tammy Sims) RDG 01/08/2023 White Face
WF (Shannon Hayes) RDG 08/15/2022 White Face 100% Lue/plat het
Added by Rainah Whisenhunt
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree