Name ms.beezley (click to view pedigree)
Owner Charity Lewis
Breeder Vicki
Gender Female
Father AO Lexus
Mother BeeBee ( Vicki )
OOP Date 10/12/2020
Color Mosaic Ringtail
Genetics 25% cremeino 100% leu het
Inbred percentage 0.548 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
cl test baby 2 8/15/21 Mosaic
Cl test baby1 8/15/21 Mosaic Ringtail She has a white muzzle
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
cl robert 11,05,2022 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leu 25% cremeino
cl beebee/ao lexus male test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 100% lue 25% cremenio
cl mia 11/05/2022 Mosaic 100% leu 25% cremino het
Test baby #1 11/02/2021 Mosaic Ringtail 25% cremeino 100% leu het
Test baby 2 11/02/21 Mosaic Ringtail 25% cremeino 100% leu het
Added by Charity
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree