Name Sugar (click to view pedigree)
Owner Matty Black
Breeder carole therrien
Gender Male
Father benny beaulieu
Mother Fanny (CB)
OOP Date 08/07/2021
Color White Face
Genetics Mosaic Ringtail 50% whiteface 50%
Remarks (Vendu pour animal de compagnie, aucun droit de reproduction)
Inbred percentage 3.0763 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Coquillage LPV 11/06/2020 White Face 50% het mosaic piedbald 50 % het white face
Kashew lpv 12/04/2021 White Face het mosaic, het white face, 50% Ringtail
Sugar Junior 08/07/2021 White Face Mosaic Ringtail 50% whiteface 50%
Voltige LPV 17 avril 2021 Ringtail Mosaic White Face 60% het WhiteFace, 60% het for leucistic
Zoboomafoo LPV 12/04/2021 White Face het mosaic 75% white face
Added by carole therrien
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree