Lucifer -SushiDragons-
Name Lucifer -SushiDragons- (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Rachel Linas White
Gender Male
Father Ichigo -SushiDragons-
Mother Marron -SushiDragons-
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 07/27/2021
Color Ruby Leu
Inbred percentage 1.6387 %
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Izzy -SushiDragons- 07/27/2021 Cremeino Mosaic
Koga -SushiDragons- 10/23/2019 Cremeino Mosaic
Lucinda -SushiDragons- 07/24/2018 Cremeino Mosaic possibly Ruby Leu*
Lupin -SushiDragons- 05/01/2019 Ruby Leu
Midna -SushiDragons- 07/24/2018 Mosaic High White Mosaic with Pied Marker (has powdered out) 50% leucistic
Nami -SushiDragons- 12/31/2018 Cremeino Mosaic
Remus -SushiDragons- 05/01/2019 White Face 100% cremeino het 50% leucistic het
Added by Rachel White
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree