Name Pearl (click to view pedigree)
Owner Carley Neiswender
Breeder Tabitha Propes-Tinnin
Gender Female
Father Ryder Krason
Mother Raven Wright-JH
OOP Date 11/15/2020
Color Platinum
Genetics 100% Lue
Inbred percentage 1.5897 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Pablo CSAS 11/17/2021 Classic Grey 100% plat/leu
Paris csas 11/17/2021 Platinum
Pearl x Pedro twin B 11/07/2022 Platinum 66% het leu
Polly CdN 08/18/2022 Classic Grey 100% platinum 66% pos het leu
Pongo CdN 11/07/2022 Platinum 100% het Leu, 50% het creme
Brothers and sisters
18 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Atakiss (TP) 08/12/2021 Leucistic
Big Leu Baby Boy Fox 12/14/2016 Leucistic
Blizzard NK 08/15/2018 Platinum Het-Leu
Casper-NK 06/26/2020 Leucistic
Chunk BEI 02/15/2016 Platinum Het LEU
COCO Chanel NK 08/15/2018 Leucistic
Flying dread Sandy 11/17/2016 Platinum Cremeino white face 100% leu het plat mother and leu father
Layla-NK 12/20/2019 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Louie (Tabbys Perfect Gliders) 05/14/2021 Platinum 100% Lue Het
Mr. Crabs Wright 02/15/2016 Platinum Het LEU
Olaf NK 12/05/2018 Leucistic
Olaf Tinnin 06/26/2020 Leucistic
Pandora - LFSF 05/08/2018 Platinum
Penelope - LFSF 05/08/2018 Leucistic
Penelope-LFSF MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Plat - AK 07/10/2016 Platinum
Plat Man 07/10/2016 Platinum 100% lue het
test-jh MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Tabitha Propes
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree