Name Aurora-MLSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kahealani-Rose Medina
Breeder Danielle Gnidziejko
Gender Female
Father Solar Flare-My Little Sugar Glider
Mother Pistachio-My Little Sugar Glider
OOP Date 07/12/2020
Color Strawberry
Remarks Aurora is sold as pet only with a non breeding contract to Kahealani-Rose Medina.
Inbred percentage 3.4597 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Angelique-My Little Sugar Glider 10/01/2019 Mosaic (unusual) 100% het Creme~ino and 66% het Leucistic.
Calypso-My Little Sugar Glider 12/30/2019 Ruby Leu Lower hets Leucistic and Platinum
Carina-My Little Sugar Glider 12/30/2019 Mosaic 100% het for Creme~ino and lower hets for Leucistic and Platinum
Comet-My Little Sugar Glider 07/12/2020 Strawberry
Murtaugh-My Little Sugar Glider 10/01/2019 Mosaic (unusual) Red Mosaic-100% het for Creme~ino.
Added by Danielle Gnidziejko
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree