Vulpix Fubu
Name Vulpix Fubu (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jayme Ford
Breeder Jayme Ford
Gender Male
Father Mew FuBu
Mother Eevee JF
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 09/13/2020
Color Ruby Leu
Inbred percentage 1.3365 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bidoof Fubu 07/26/2021 Ruby Leu
Cutiefly FuBu 09/14/2021 Cremeino Mosaic 50% Mosaic Het 100% Cremeino Het 50% Leucistic Het
Espurr Fubu 07/26/2021 Ruby Leu
Magikarp Fubu 07/14/2022 Cremeino Mosaic Het for leu. Ruby leu, cremeino, mosaic, albino.
Marill Fubu 01/21/2022 Ruby Leu
Pansage Fubu 01/21/2022 Cremeino Mosaic
Pansear Fubu Cremeino Mosaic 50% Mosaic Het 100% Cremeino Het 50% Leucistic Het
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Absol Fubu 09/12/2020 Mosaic
Clefairy Fubu 03/12/2021 Mosaic
Diglett Fubu 03/12/2021 Leucistic
Sawk Fubu MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Added by DetektivePanda
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree