Montu -M.e.
Name Montu -M.e. (click to view pedigree)
Owner Maverick Exotics Maverick Exotics
Breeder Maverick Exotics Maverick Exotics
Gender Male
Father RA -M.E.
Mother cleopatra -M.e.
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 7/23/2020
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 1.21 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
#2 Baby Female Leu WM 06/18/2022 Leucistic
Apple Jacks WM 07/13/2021 Platinum
Fred - WM 10/15/2021 Leucistic 100% mosaic/Leucistic
G.W. Platinum F1 11/09/2020 Platinum
Snowball G.W. Lucy M1 11/09/2020 Leucistic
Added by Jnewby2121
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree