Sprout (SGS)
Name Sprout (SGS) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jamie McAdam
Breeder Christie Swartz
Gender Female
Father Brian EN
Mother Gibson clk
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/25/2020
Color White Face
Remarks Sold as Pet Only Pouch Twin = Lyric (SGS)
Inbred percentage 1.7631 %
Brothers and sisters
16 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Tom Petty -Fender-WoW 04/20/2018 Mosaic 100% CREME HET
Acoustic-Wow 04/26/2019 Classic Grey
Bongo - WOW 06/28/2017 Classic Grey
Bright-WoW 08/02/2018 Creme-ino
Electric-WoW 04/26/2019 Creme-ino
Joy -WoW 11/22/2017 Mosaic Ringtail
Loud-WoW 08/02/2018 Creme-ino
Lyric (SGS) 05/25/2020 Classic Grey
Medley-WoW 04/20/2018 Creme-ino
Melody WoW 06/28/2017 Classic Grey
Peace- WoW 11/22/2017 Mosaic
Ricki-WoW 08/17/2019 White Faced Blonde
Ringo-WoW 11/29/2019 Classic Grey
SAX-WoW 01/13/2019 Classic Grey 100% creme het
Star-WoW 11/29/2019 Cremeino Mosaic
Wendy-WoW 08/17/2019 Black Beauty
Added by Christie Swartz
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree