Freddy VSM
Name Freddy VSM (click to view pedigree)
Owner Veronica Kapp
Breeder Veronica Kapp
Gender Male
Father Percy
Mother Andromeda
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 06/14/2019
Color Mosaic
Inbred percentage 0 %
Brothers and sisters
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Angelica VSM 06/03/2020 White Faced Blonde Standard/white face
Blondie 12/06/2018 White Face Father is a mosaic/white face, mom is standard
Elsa 12/06/2018 Mosaic
Emma VSM 11/01/2020 Mosaic Ringtail Mother-standard, father mosaic
Finnegan VK (deceased) 06/03/2020 Mosaic (unusual) silver/platinum mosaic, white with powdered light gray back with slightly darker dorsal stripe, marked ears, darker fur as a joey that has lightened up extremely
Lola 08/29/2019 Classic Grey
Reginald VSM 06/03/2020 Mosaic Mosaic with pied markings and cow ears
Spot VSM 12/07/2019 Mosaic Ringtail
Vincent VSM 03/22/2019 Mosaic Father is a pied mosaic, mother is a standard
Added by Veronica115...
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree