RRG Snoop
Name RRG Snoop (click to view pedigree)
Owner Krystle Pastures
Breeder Krystle Pastures
Gender Male
Father AS Kovu
Mother AS Rajah
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/03/2019
Color Platinum
Inbred percentage 0.9631 %
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AS Chi Chi 11/26/2017 Mosaic
AS Destiny - Danie 11/18/2016 Mosaic Piebald
AS Jack 11/26/2017 Mosaic
AS Kandi 11/18/2016 Mosaic Piebald Doreens girl
AS Kovu/Rajah Joey 07/01/2016 Mosaic
AS Luna 05/04/2017 Mosaic
AS Sally (M) 04/01/2018 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
AS Toothless 07/01/2016 Mosaic
AS Valentine 05/04/2017 Mosaic
Luna 05/04/2017 Mosaic Piebald
Sally MK 04/01/2018 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Snoop 05/03/2019 Platinum
Added by Krystle Ragas
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree