Adam g&s
Name Adam g&s (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Tabatha Davis
Gender Male
Father Scooby
Mother Ghost
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 12/21/2018
Color White Faced Blonde
Inbred percentage 6.3947 %
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Alice platinum g&s 09/06/2018 Platinum
Annabelle G&S 04/23/2018 Platinum 100% platinum het 50% lue het
Bella(G&S) 08-16-2017 Classic Grey
Carrie g&s 01/04/2018 Classic Grey 50% lue het
Coco g&s 12/22/2019 Black Beauty
G&s mosaic 04/19/2021 Mosaic (unusual)
Jax g&s 01/02018 Classic Grey
Miku G&S 04/23/2018 White Face
Rocky(G&S) 08/16/2017 Mosaic
shreck G&S 09/06/2021 Mosaic
Added by tabicat13
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree