Diesel MH
Name Diesel MH (click to view pedigree)
Owner Monica Henderson
Breeder Monica Henderson
Gender Male
Father Thumper MH
Mother Sunset MH
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 01/21/2018
Color Black Beauty
Inbred percentage 0.6 %
Brothers and sisters
17 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Apple MH 09/13/2017 Leucistic
Boo MH 10/31/15 Leucistic 100% leu het
Bunny MH 05/13/2018 Leucistic
Dobby 04/04/2016 Mosaic
Honey S/CGraves 01/21/2018 Mosaic
Joker ANS 01/09/17 Mosaic
Lucy MH 08/20/2016 Mosaic Piebald
Luna AA 07/02/2019 Leucistic
Marco 05/24/2017 Classic Grey
Ninja MH 10/31/15 Classic Grey
Oogie MH MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Peach MH MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Poppy Leu 01/09/17 Leucistic
Reese MH 05/24/2017 Leucistic
Samantha MH 4/4/16 Mosaic
Tiffany MH 05/13/2018 Mosaic Marble
Wall-E 08/20/2016 Leucistic
Added by Monica Henderson
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree