Name Leia-KLE (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kandi Skiba
Breeder Kandi Skiba
Gender Female
Father Nugget-SRG
Mother Noodle-AP
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 10/10/2018
Color Classic Grey
Remarks No breeding. Left with neutered brother..Luke
Inbred percentage 1.2802 %
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Angel Belle-KLE 01/03/2020 Leucistic
Boba-KLE 01142020 Classic Grey
Cash-KLE 07/03/2019 Leucistic Slightly grey ears might show Mosaic traits
Frosty-KLE 06/26/2018 Leucistic Not sure if he has the mosaic traits of black ears.
Gerry-KLE 04/01/2021 Mosaic From progressive pied lines, platinum lines
Hazel-KLE 01/09/2018 Classic Grey
Henry-KLE 01/09/2018 Classic Grey
Khione-KLE 07/01/2019 Leucistic
Luke-KLE 10-10-2018 Leucistic
Luna-KLE 09/09/2017 Leucistic Pigment on ears suggest mosaic gene
Tom-KLE 04/01/2021 Leucistic Mosaic traits. Possible white face, progressive pied lines, platinum lines
Willow-KLE 09/09/2017 Leucistic
Added by Kandida
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree