SLG IMA Petunia
Name SLG IMA Petunia (click to view pedigree)
Owner Summer Gottke
Breeder IMA Glider
Gender Female
Father IMA LAS Blitz
Mother IMA Tiki
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 11/27/2017
Color Mosaic
Genetics 100% cremeino het 50% lue or 50% plat het
Remarks oop: white with cow ears
Inbred percentage 1.2628 %
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
IMA Gretel 06/30/2018 Mosaic 100% cremeino het 50% lue or 50% plat het
IMA Ollie 11//05/2018 Leucistic 100% Cremeino het
Imatikiblitzjoey1 03/10/2019 Leucistic 100% cremeino het
JB IMA Abby 11/05/2018 Leucistic 100% cremeino het
TB IMA Ghost 06/30/2018 Leucistic 100% cremeino het
Added by imaglider
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree