DSRX Nikki and Nokki (SGC)
Name DSRX Nikki and Nokki (SGC) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Dragonstone Ranch
Breeder Victoria Casella
Gender Female
Father Noah (sgc)
Mother Natalee and novalee (sgc)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/31/2017
Color Mosaic Piebald
Genetics Nokki is 💯 het Cremeino proven
Remarks Nikki has a Black spot on left hip and Nokki is marble mosaic
Inbred percentage 2.5093 %
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
DSRX Bodhi 10/17/2022 Mosaic 66% Creme, 25% Plat/Leu
DSRX Breeze 10/17/2022 Mosaic Piebald 66% Creme, 25% Plat/Leu
DSRX Zero 12/18/2019 Mosaic Piebald
Kenny (SGC) 10/13/2021 Mosaic Piebald
Kiki and kya (sgc) 07/01/2021 Cremeino Mosaic Kiki is Marble mosaic and Kia is cream mosaic
Knickers BMB 12/18/2019 Mosaic Piebald Proven Het for Cremino, Proven Het for Leucistic or Plat
Nature (SGC) 12/23/2020 Mosaic Marble 100% het leu proven
Odette BMB 11/20/2020 Mosaic Piebald 50% Crem Het, 25% Plat Het
Romeo 06/09/2021 Mosaic
Samwise 05/20/2018 Mosaic (unusual)
Test - Kokko Noki and Nikki (SGC) 05/20/2018 Mosaic (unusual) White mosaic with black ears
Whitney (SGWAP) 06/03/2022 Creme-ino
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Diesel (will) 04/20/2015 Classic Grey
Mozart -Sg MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic (unusual) 33% Creme-ino & 33% Leucistic Het
Nala (SGC) MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
Neela and Nessa (SGC) 12/17/2019 Mosaic Smokey line and lots of pied
Neo (sgc) 01/15/2020 Mosaic
Nero (SGC) 07/20/2022 Mosaic Marble
Nova (SGC) 04/18/2019 Mosaic Marble 100% het cremeino proven
Added by Victoria Casella
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree