2 wf m/p
Name 2 wf m/p (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Candy Burnett
Gender Female
Father KTC Morpheus
Mother Persephone
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 07/08/2017
Color White Faced Blonde
Inbred percentage 1.7789 %
Brothers and sisters
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
1 wf m/p 07/08/2017 White Faced Blonde
Ember - CB 7-8-18 Mosaic
leu 2 m/p 10/17/2018 Leucistic
Lu Lu-CB 10/26/2017 Mosaic White mosaic with black dot on left ear
Luna-CB 10/26/2017 Leucistic
Pearl - CB 3-29-18 Leucistic
WM M/P 3-29-18 Mosaic
Yolandi 10/17/2018 Mosaic 50% leu/ plat het, 37.5% cremino het
Added by Candy Burnett
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree