Name Chelsea (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jennifer Bender
Breeder Crystal Martin
Gender Female
Father Twinkie (CrystalMartin)
Mother Dolly (CrystalMartin)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2010/12/07
Color Leucistic
Genetics Possible white mosiac
Remarks Born 'Angel' twin to 'Legend'
Inbred percentage 2.2773 %
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Espresso(CrystalMartin) 2011/10/DD Classic Grey 100% leu het
Faith (Fuzzy Wonderland) 2012/02/11 Mosaic White mosaic, 100% leu het
Kovu(Cora) 2011/04/11 Mosaic producing sterile line mosaic
Latte (cora) YYYY/MM/DD Leucistic
Slurpee 2010/04/22 White White mosiac 100% leu het
Zack 2010/12/07 White Faced Blonde 100% leu het
Added by Crystal Martin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree