Gamay TRD (SMC)
Name Gamay TRD (SMC) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tammie Dean-Graves
Breeder savannah Cefalu
Gender Male
Father Charm SMC (Resa)
Mother Nobilita SMC (Resa)
OOP Date 11/21/2017
Color Red
Genetics 50% cremino, low albino, low leu/plat hets. Garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino het. Chocolate-tinted.
Inbred percentage 1.9134 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Gamay/Scarlett TRD MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Abra Hillis (SMC) 4/22/2017 Red 50% Crèmeino het, 25% Albino het, 12.5% Leu or Plat het. Garnet eyes indicate 100% cremeino het. Chocolate-tinted.
Browning-SGW 03/16/2016 Red 50%-66% Crème-ino het, 25% Albino het, 12.5% Leu or Plat het ~ Both parents are Strawberry with garnet eyes. (Re: Nobilita: "Garnet eyes and red color indicate 100% cremino het.")***Browning also has garnet eyes***
Charm Test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Joey KDW (SMC) 11/21/2016 Red 50% cremino, low albino, low leu/plat hets. Garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino het. Chocolate-tinted.
Kadabra Hall (SMC) 04/22/2017 Ringtail 50% cremino, 25% Albino het, 12.5% Leu or Plat het. Garnet eyes indicate 100% cremino het.
Resa Amour 06/01/2016 Mosaic Marble 100% cremino het proven, low albino, low leu/plat het.
Wiggler LL 12/10/2015 Classic Grey
Added by The Savvy Sugar
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree