Jaya HSG
Name Jaya HSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Diane Robertson
Breeder Danny Gunalen
Gender Male
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
OOP Date 11/12/2016
Color Carmino (red eyed Caramel)
Genetics Carmino - there is no caramel in this line.
Remarks Imported Carmino from parent stocks collected in Sorong Province, Indonesia - Is NOT a caramel and not from caramel stocks
Inbred percentage At least both parents need to be known to do an inbreeding calculation.
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aisha HSG 12/20/2018 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Carmino - there is no Caramel in this line.
Ajax HSG 07/27/2020 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) There is no caramel or cremeino in this line.
Bharati HSG 10/29/17 Classic Grey 100% Carmino Het
Bhodi HSG 10/29/17 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Recessive Brown Chocolate Carmino. From original imported Carmino stock from Indonesia. There is no caramel in this line.
Cherry HSG 06/17/2017 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Carmino - there is no caramel in this line.
Dewy HSG 06/17/2017 Classic Grey 100% Carmino het
Elias HSG 9/3/18 Classic Grey 100% Carmino het male
Elton John HSG 02/16/2018 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) Carmino - NOT caramel
Jaya x Eshana MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Jaya x Jariatih male joeys MM/DD/YYYY Carmino (red eyed Caramel)
Tika HSG 12/18/19 Carmino (red eyed Caramel) 100% Carmino Het
Brothers and sisters
Added by mrswinter
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree