Freya Roberts
Name Freya Roberts (click to view pedigree)
Owner Jacqueline Roberts
Breeder Brittany Holestin
Gender Female
Father Decoy Ryder
Mother Destiny SSGG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 12/25/2016
Color Mosaic
Genetics 50% crème het, 25% leu/plat het. BFBB lines, pied lines, cedar lines.
Inbred percentage 0.4829 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Kia JR 04/08/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 25-33% Leu/Plat het, very very low Crème/Albino het
Kiara JR 12/06/2019 White Face 25-33% Leu/Plat het, very very low crème/albino het
Mia JR 12/06/2019 Black Beauty 25-33% Plat/Leu Het, Very very low Crème/Albino Het
Nadia JR 04/04/2019 Mosaic
Nebula JR 01/13/2018 Mosaic 25-33% Plat/Leu Het, Very very low Crème/Albino Het
Odysseus JR 09/20/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 25-33% Plat/Leu Het, Very very low Crème/Albino Het
Brothers and sisters
3 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Destiny/Decoy Test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Lyra Ripinski 03/23/2017 Mosaic Splitface Mosaic, Possible Black Face Progressive Pied. 50% crème het, 25% leu/plat het. BFBB lines, pied lines, cedar lines.
Xylia Lisbony 10/12/2016 Mosaic 50% crème het, 25% plat/leu het, cedar lines, BFBB lines, and double pied lines.
Added by Brittany Holestin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree