Floki MH
Name Floki MH (click to view pedigree)
Owner Monica Henderson
Breeder Adri Lopez
Gender Male
Father Ringo SS
Mother Araya SS
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/08/2015
Color Creme-ino
Remarks Crème mo
Inbred percentage 1.6693 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aspen WC 07/20/2019 Mosaic
Lilu MH 11/20/2016 Mosaic Marble
Mr.Ginger MH 05/12/2017 White Face
Preztin MH 11/20/16 Mosaic Piebald
Ryder MH 04/12/2018 Mosaic (unusual)
Taz (swfl) 07/29/2020 Mosaic (unusual)
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Dilemma SS 08/04/2013 Mosaic True Platinum mosaic, 100% Leu het, 100% Cremino, 25% Albino
Flip Flop ~ MO Double Het (TLC) 09/DD/2014 Mosaic 66% Cino Het, 100% Plat Het (proven),25% Albino het, and no sterile lines. Pied Marker behind right front arm on patagia.
Jax SS MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic 66-100% Cino het, 25% albino, 50% plat & leu. Pied marker.
Kassy SS MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 66% cino 50% plat
kiya Hall 01/16/2016 Creme-ino cremino mosiac 50%lue het 50%plat het 25% albino
Kolton Hall 09/09/2015 Creme-ino 100% Luecistic,platinum,25%albino
Leila SS 11/20/2013 Ringtail 66-100% Cino, 25% Albino, 50% Leu Het, 50% Plat Het. Possible piebald from piebald producing line.
Ringo / Araya Test MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino
Ringo x araya MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Scarlette Lilly Hall 07/25/2016 Creme-ino 50% lUE Het 50% Plat Het 25% Albino
Tad sgg MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 66-100% Cino het, 25% albino,
Ted sgg MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Monica Henderson
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree