Dakota - KrazyKritter
Name Dakota - KrazyKritter (click to view pedigree)
Owner KrazyKritterKeeper
Breeder KrazyKritterKeeper
Gender Male
Father Thor GSG
Mother Star - KrazyKritter
OOP Date 10/19/2016
Color Mosaic
Genetics 33% creme, 33% leu or 33% plat, very low albino het.
Remarks Has a ring tail. Pouch mate sister was very light mosaic in color with a reverse stripe and what looked to be WF with speckled ears. She passed away on October 20.2016 at 1 day OOP.
Inbred percentage 1.4087 %
Brothers and sisters
Added by Tanya Novak
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree