Calypso GH
Name Calypso GH (click to view pedigree)
Owner Linda Velasco
Breeder Becki Thomas
Gender Female
Father Leigh-SuggiesRUs
Mother GH Zarrah
OOP Date 08/01/2016
Color Leucistic
Genetics Possible Mosistic
Inbred percentage 1.1339 %
3 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Angel B LG 02/22/2020 Leucistic
Casper LG 04/11/2018 Leucistic
Lunar LG 07/29/2018 Leucistic
Brothers and sisters
3 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Felicity GH MM/DD/YYYY Ringtail 100% Leu het
Flurry GH 03/01/2017 Leucistic Possible mosistic
Xerxes GH 02/19/2016 Ringtail 100% leucistic het
Added by Becki Thomas
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree