20160102 - WhfMos M - KWC
Name 20160102 - WhfMos M - KWC (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kevin Wenchang Chen
Breeder Kevin Wenchang Chen
Gender Male
Father Magellan - KWC
Mother Valeera - KWC
OOP Date 01/02/2016
Color Mosaic
Genetics 50% het for Leucistic
Remarks White Face
Inbred percentage 0.5859 %
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
20160505 - Whf F - KWC 05/05/2016 White Face 50% het for Leucistic
20160505 - WhfMos M - KWC 05/05/2016 Mosaic 50% het for leucistic
Added by Kevin W. Chen
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree